

Able Design is a company that fulfilled a long-held dream of mine. My name is Stivan and I started perusing a career in Architecture… but realized it’s not what I really want. I always had this passion for creating something and I thought it’s designing buildings, but it turns out it’s Able Design. We are based in Sofia, Bulgaria and have a fully equipped woodworking workshop. We are focusing in hardwood but have interests and experience with many other materials.

Since I started my Masters in Architecture, I have spent enormous amounts of time around 3D printers, lasers and CNC machines. This took me back to being a kid and playing with constructors, and really being passionate about making things with my hands. The decision to give up on something that I’ve spent more than ten years studying was hard but I had the support of my friends. In a collaboration with my friends Zlatko and Milen from Zoda Tech ( ) we took the big step of starting out our own companies. This is how Able Design workshop was born.



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